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Welcome to the Real Estate T.G Forum's Rules.
Welcome to all realtors, those with real estate questions and T.G promoting real estate websites. We encourage the sharing of ideas and all questions about real estate web development but we ask that you observe these few rules.

1. Do not create multiple accounts, only one account is permitted per person

2. No self promotion of services in public forums - feel free to PM individual members if they specifically ask for a service that you offer, but do not clog up the public discussion forums with posts concerning your own services, these forums are for learning and sharing, not selling yourself.

3. No more than 3 links per signature.

4. Do not post off topic in a thread, if your comment is not relevant to a thread, please start a new thread within the most relevant forum for the topic.

5. RE.T.G will not tolerate any other member stealing (Borrowing) intellectual property or website content without expressed written permission of the owner of said property. You will be given the opportunity to provide such documentation of permission however failure to provide such proof is subject to up to a lifetime ban from our community.

6. Member poaching - There is to be no diverting members of this forum to other competing real estate forums to answer questions or have discussions that can easily be facilitated herehere. Recruiting our members to other forums is strictly forbidden. If you are simply here to promote your own forum, then please leave as you will be banned for doing so.

7. Linking policy - Real Estate T.G (RE.T.G) will not link to any websites that violate any search engines terms of service. If you are posting about a website that is violating the SE's terms of service for discussion purposes do not make it a live link. If you are linking to your own sites that violate these terms of service, in posts or in your signature, your linking privelleges will be revoked

8. No link exchange posting you will be warned once (And the post will be deleted) if you do it again, your account
    will be banned.

9. Be respectful of other members regardless of difference of opinion. (No profanity or name calling)

Enjoy With Us TG Real Estate Staff.

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